Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Cast off!

I have been counting down the days to tomorrow when I finally get this darn cast off.

Getting back to normal won't be a breeze: there is a fair bit of swelling, comparatively, above the cast, and its been noticeably tight and uncomfortable under there for the last week, so I'm expecting it to actually swell a bit more once it's released.

But I can hear Eunice Jeffs in my mind... and it will all be about paying attention to the key basics:

  • Compression - I shall wear my "younger" sleeves, and see about getting a few more from Barts

  • Exercise (the Compliance part, as some call it) - Lymphoedema routine morning and night, without fail, and build the weights back in very gradually. Fitness training with Tim can get back to normal but we will not do arm exercises for a couple of weeks, just to see how it goes.

  • Be healthy generally. It is no surprise that when I go on holiday, and go diving, I drink less, eat healthily, sleep plenty, relax, and spend lots of time outside - and even though I only wear my sleeve evenings and night, and even with long flights - my swelling is always the same or less than when I went away. There's a lesson there!

On which point, it's time I was in bed

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